Sunday, April 28, 2013

Things in the world that make me sad.

This past weekend my girlfriend's fetlife account was hacked. Someone decided to go into her account block many of her friends, change her name and delete all of her groups from her account. Why this bothers me someone invaded her space to get to her I think.

Why the negativity....

I see on fetlife making comments ranting about what others do Why the negativity.... I now have someone commenting on my blog that seems to enjoy saying bad things about me. Of course this person has never met me or any of my friends. Apparently I am bald, fat, have no friends and little cock according to this person) This person is correct on one thing. I do have a "learning disability" I am dyslexic. This does not bother me as much as my girlfriend being hacked or people bickering about each other, but still there is nothing but negativity

Why the negativity....


I hope everyone that reads this can find something positive to say about someone you don't like. Or better yet do something nice for someone you don't like. I should try to do this too. Positive makes the world a better place. Positive makes me happy.


  1. Huzzah and Kiss

  2. Are you gay? Because the 60's was over 40 years ago and this hippie, everyone find something nice to say bullshit isn't reality. You sound like an asshole, all of your degrading speech on your blog is disgusting. Any woman who is with you must not love herself enough to find a man who doesn't think degrading women is a kink. It isn't, it's abuse. What happened to you as a child that makes you think its ok to talk about woman the way you do? Did your mother abuse you? Were you molested? I hope your girlfriend gets a clue or you grow up.

  3. @ Mila Cruz,

    Get over your ex girlfriend!!! Your silly comments make no sense especially when you make them in response for less negativity. YOU grow up and quit saying stupid shit on here this will be my last response from now on your negative comments will be deleted

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This is inspiring and hits a little to close to home for me. I have always prided myself in being able to get along with anyone, but I seem to have met my match with an individual. We do not see eye to eye on several issues.

    This blog reminds me that we(as individuals) can't control other people's responses and behaviors but do have control over how we decided to react to it. Thank you.
